Thursday, May 3, 2007

Trackback? testing....

My Wordpress blog has automatic trackback capability. I'm now testing whether my other blogs do. I think Blogger does, but I'm not sure. Here is a link to a post on my WordPress blog.


zalbarath666 said...

Blogger itself doesn't have tracking abilities but you can easy implement many different tracking devices. Here is a fragment from blogger help center:

"[...]there are services you can install that can tell you all about the traffic on your site. They range from simple hit counters that just display a total number of visitors, to more advanced statistics services that can give you information about referrers, browsers, visiting times, and more.[...]"

I wanted to paste here a link to proper thread but unfortunately comments here don't tolerate longer link lines and cut the rest below the commentary field. Definitely bad feature.

Now I wonder if those hit counters could be installed on LiveJournal as well. I think it's very possible.

The bad thing about such counter is that in most cases you must sign up to particular service first and I'm not for signing to so many sites. Too much possibilities of presence of SPAM in mailbox later. Maybe I should create additional mail account for it.

Diane Vera said...

As for your unsuccessful attempt to post a link: Did you actually try to post a LINK, or just a URL?

Test: Here's a LINK to a story on Yahoo news with a humongously long URL, which I recently wrote about on both my other blogs. And below is the URL of that same story:

Let's see how this looks.

zalbarath666 said...

Thanks, I automatically identified url with a link. But while writing commentary I don't see any tools which allow me to change url into a link. Should I use HTML code instead? Haven't been using it since years so I'm out of practice but it's not a problem but usually on other sites links are recognized automatically and if not, there are many tools to edit style of entry and others. Here I can see nothing like that beside short hint that I can use specific tags (I can't even write examples here because I receive message about not properly closed tags and it doesn't want to let commentary through...). And additionally in my language version (wasn't able to change it permanently, always when I'm logging anew language settings back to previous state...) words from different lines (built in phrases, not mine writing) overlap each other (or are cut so you can't read it fully...) what makes them VERY annoying to read and it looks highly unprofessional. There are many similar and other bugs on the entire Blogger...
For now Blogger commentary window is surprisingly primitive, disturbing and user unfriendly comparing to other blog providers. Actually why those windows here are so tight and there is much bad looking empty space on sides??? But of course it's not a question for you. Sorry for complaining so much but it comes from my not-positive attitude toward blogs in general.

Diane Vera said...

To create a link, use the following HTML:

<a href="">Title of page, or brief description</a>

Gail Garrow said...

Creating a link looks simple enough. Too bad that Blogger does not have that as a feature in the comment window. I doubt most people who make comments will go to the trouble of creating a link.